Event #5 | September 24, 2010
Maritime Cup IV
Stratford Town Hall, Stratford, PEI
Maritime Cup IV Quarter final match – Mystique def. Lincoln Steen by pin fall. (WATCH)
Maritime Cup IV Quarter final match – Titus def. "The Canadian Renegade" Riddick Stone by pin fall. (WATCH)
Maritime Cup IV Quarter Final match – "The Big Picture" Chris Cooke def. Alexander Saint by pin fall. *Cooke receives a bye into the finals by virtue of winning his quarter-final match the quickest.
Maritime Cup IV Semi Final match – Mystique def. Titus by pin fall. (WATCH)
Maritime Cup IV Final – "The Big Picture" Chris Cooke def. Mystique by pin fall to win the tournament. (WATCH) *"NewScott" Harold Kennedy presented "The Big Picture" Chris Cooke the trophy in the ring. (WATCH)
"Kowboy" Mike Hughes def. Brody Steele to win the Red Rock Wrestling Heavyweight Championship for the second time. (WATCH)
Event referee: Devin Chittick